Monday, November 19, 2012

chitag and catan

this past weekend was chitag (the chicago toy and games show), and it was packed full of interested kids and adults wandering about checking out games both old and new. i was on hand helping out chicagoland games and mayfair games.

the highlight of my day was playing a giant-sized version of settlers of catan. unfortunately, this version isn't available for purchase, but they hinted around the fact that if enough folks asked for it, mayfair games might produce a limited run. sounds like a perfect opportunity for kickstarter to me...

enjoy the pics!

here is the board just after the first couple of turns.

kent, one of dice dojo's helpers, explains the basics of settlers to a young interested gamer.

roll of a 12 and that's going to be two wheat for the white player, and one for the red...

winner with the longest road (2victory points), the largest army (2 victory points), a chapel (1 victory point) ,  3 settlements (3 victory points), and a city (2 victory points). 

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