Wednesday, August 22, 2012

gencon and a tale of personal restraint...

after living in chicago for nine years, i finally broke down and went to gencon this year. admittedly, it was just for one day (woke up early on saturday and drove like a bat outta hell to indy), but it was all that i expected it to be and more.

of course, i forgot to take a camera so the following pics are from my phone (apologies for the quality).

i wasn't exactly surprised by the crowd (i've been to adepticon), but the fact that the hall before the exhibit/vendor hall stayed this full all the time, and that you couldn't walk through the vendor hall without constantly bumping into folks says something about the number of attendees.

i was particularly amused by the fellow in the foreground with his companion cube.
of course, i wanted to check out the privateer press booth, and as you approach, you're met by this fine fellow:

i tried to reach it's cortex, but it quickly became evident that i am not a warcaster.

wandering around i made it to the geek chic booth. the furniture they make is bespoke specifically for gamers and geeks. they had a credenza that looked like an old apothecary shelf for games and comic books, but the pièce de résistance was this:

the sultan table. all you ever need to geek out after dinner...
fortunately, i did stick to my budget (mostly) and only brought home some forge world additions to my death guard army, and the new khador heavy warjack (does khador have any other kind?)

the new mkic "deimos" pattern predator, a nurgle dreadnought, a death guard dreadnought,
and what shall be built as a khadoran devastator warjack

all-in-all, a great time was had, and i have started trying to figure out a budget for the entirety of gencon next year.

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